Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to us at [email protected].

How often is inventory checked?
We check for new inventory every 30 seconds, so you’ll never miss out on new inventory.
How often do you check for new products?
We check for new products every minute, so you’ll never miss out on new drops.
Why limit to 1,000 memberships?
1,000 memberships ensures subscribers have the best opportunity to receive alerts and purchase Scotty Cameron products.
Can I control what notifications I receive?
There are a lot of notification options available to you to control how many notifications you receive from Scotty Cameron Alerts. If you'd like to mute all notifications for a specific category of products (i.e: Accessories, Apparel, Studio Store, Speed Shop Creations) right click on the category name and configure your notification options. If you'd like to mute all notifications for a specific product, right click on the channel name and configure your notification options.
How do I cancel my membership?
You can cancel at any time by going to Settings Subscriptions Server Subscriptions Scotty Cameron Alerts Cancel my membership.
Are you affiliated with Scotty Cameron?
Scotty Cameron Alerts is in no way associated with Scotty Cameron, just a fan made site for other Scotty Cameron enthusiasts. Scotty Cameron is trademark of Titleist and Acushnet. This site is in no way affiliated with Scotty Cameron, Titleist, or Acushnet. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.